Monday, December 23, 2013

Defeating Mr. Hyde, The Monster from Jekyll Island

           A century ago today, the Federal Reserve was passed right before Christmas after rich businessmen men used fake names when they met in secret on Jekyll Island to design a central bank. This central bank known as the Federal Reserve was designed to work for their interests. The Federal Reserve prints money that is not backed by gold or silver (even though the U.S. Constitution requires it). This has caused prices to soar over the past century causing the dollar to lose over 90% of it's value since then. This money printing gives the government and excuse to grow our national debt because without it, under a gold and silver standard it is harder to borrow money.
          The Federal Reserve steals from our earnings by making our money worth less which is why Jesus overturned the table of the moneychangers. The money printing hurts the poor and middle class the hardest. of The result is our National Debt has grown from about $2.9 billion to $17,250 billion or $17.25 trillion!

           The Federal Reserve is hiding what it is doing from the American people. In fact, the Federal Reserve made 16.1 trillion dollars in secret loans to large banks including many large banking institutions in Europe. In spite of this the Federal Reserve has never been audited once in its hundred year history. The Federal Reserve which I call Jekyll Island's monster (Mr. Hyde). I am usng Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde as an anology for the Federal Reserve.: The Federal Reserve had meetings with government employees and large banking instituions which are not available to the public.

          The Federal Reserve's tighting caused the Great Depression. Even the head of the Fed, Ben Bernanke, admits it. They also caused the Stock Bubble of the 90's and the Housing Bubble of the 2000's with artifically low interest rates. The economy had it's best period of economic growth without the Fed.

          The Federal Reserve should be abolished and the U.S. Constitution should be restored. Here's why:

Here are the sources to confirm what I am saying:

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Why Romney should not be president

Romney is the most left wing Republican running for President in 2012. He has said the following or done the following while in office: He has forced counterfeit homosexual marriage on Massachusetts setting bad precedent for other states as well as the District of Columbia. He supported abortion, a cap and trade energy tax and refused to cut spending on wasteful programs and insisted on spending it elsewhere until he started running for President. He even supported socialized medicine in the state he was governor of which he still supports but he claims he will repeal Obamacare:

He is unwilling to have the Osama bin Laden photos released which would show strength by showing what could happen to violent Muslim terrorists. I believe releasing the photos would help U.S. national security. Read more:
He claims to be pro-life but supports scientific research which would kill human embryos:

He supported safe havens for illegal aliens: He even hired illegal aliens to do work at his house: By the way illegal aliens are not victims. In other countries illegal aliens are actually punished for their crimes: It is one thing to use private charity to provide them with food, water and clothing but there is nothing compassion about letting them stay and turn America into a 3rd World country. They are costing the United States more the nation can afford. Look at the occupier of the White House for example. Yes I think the United States of America is in grave danger of collapse as we know it.

He is not on the side of morality or Main Street. Obama’s buddies at Goldman Sachs now want Romney: He refused to sign anti-abortion pledge and even supported homosexual false propaganda indoctrination in public schools. Read more: and This is why if Romney is the Republican nominee I am likely to vote for a 3rd party candidate (who most likely would be the U.S. Constitution party nominee).

Thursday, June 30, 2011

What is the greatest nation in the history of the world?

I’ll give you a hint Barack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro was not born there. The point of this post is not to bash Obama but it’s really easy to do. The answer is the United States of America. There are reasons for this greatness. It doesn’t just happen. The American people make the country great. If the policies that made America great were applied to Honduras it would not have the same effects. The policies put in place since the Bibles were taken out of schools are destroying America and must be reversed to fix America’s problems.

Nearly half a century ago on June 25, 1962 the Supreme Court ruled in Engle v. Vitale that the following public prayer is unconstitutional “Almighty God, we acknowledge our dependence upon Thee, and we beg Thy blessings upon us, our parents, our teachers, and our country.” Since then the nation has gone downhill with a massive increase in abortion, STDs, unwed mothers, pre-marital sex and alcohol consumption as you can see here: I think other facts like taking the Bible out of public schools, legalized abortion, anti-white discrimination, selling out American jobs, amnesty for illegal aliens, promotion of homosexuality, massive new government welfare programs, comprehensive sex education are destroying the nation as well. (Note: Beware of any government policy that has the word comprehensive in it.). Comprehensive sex education is just code for telling students it’s okay to act like Bill Clinton. Telling students it’s okay to act like Bill Clinton is like telling soldiers it’s okay to act like Benedict Arnold.

Here’s what Ted Kennedy said on the floor of the U.S. Senate in 1965 "First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration remains substantially the same ... Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country will not be upset ... Contrary to the charges in some quarters, [the bill] will not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or the most populated and deprived nations of Africa and Asia ... In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think ... The bill will not flood our cities with immigrants. It will not upset the ethnic mix of our society. It will not relax the standards of admission. It will not cause American workers to lose their jobs." (U.S. Senate, Subcommittee on Immigration and Naturalization of the Committee on the Judiciary, Washington, D.C., Feb. 10, 1965. pp. 1-3.) The result is persons of European decent lose majority status among children under 2:

Then in 1986 just before an amnesty for illegal aliens passed he said "This amnesty will give citizenship to only 1.1 to 1.3 million illegal aliens. We will secure the borders henceforth. We will never again bring forward another amnesty bill like this." The end result is 3 million illegal aliens got amnesty. Read more:

What is meant to guide the United States forward if that is to ever happen again is the Holy Bible, The wisdom in The Declaration of Independence, following the U.S. Constitution and the repeal of the earlier mentioned policies. You can read the Declaration of Independence here: You can read the U.S. Constitution here:

In positive news a 4th of July parade makes children more likely to vote Republican when they become adults: This might have something to do with Obama’s friend who bombed the Pentagon who said “I don't regret setting bombs. ... I feel we didn't do enough” on September 11th, 2001 or maybe it’s because Obama’s terrorist friend Bill Ayers stomped on the American flag. See photo here: Maybe it’s because at the Democratic National Convention there were 84 garbage bags full of the discarded flags: Well I agree with this quote from Hillary Clinton that dissent is not unpatriotic: Now Hillary Clinton says this with a Democrat in the White House: But the bottom line is, whose side are you on? Are you on Qadhafi’s side or are you on the side of the aspirations of the Libyan people and the international coalition that has been created to support them? For the Obama Administration, the answer to that question is very easy. Read more:

Remember dissent is patriotic. God bless America.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

End light bulb prohibition now!

Back in December 2007 the United States Congress voted to ban incandescent bulbs and to replace them with toxic CFL bulbs. These toxic CFL bulbs contain toxic mercury gas that is harmful if the light bulb breaks. Watch this to learn more:

It passed in the House of Representatives 314-100 as you can see here: It passed in the Senate 86-8 as you can see here:

The reason I mention it now is that I did not mention it my post “End ecofascism now!” and I read South Carolina is voting to end light bulb prohibition if they can get the votes: This should pass in every state and I wouldn’t be surprised if the Federal government tried to sue a state over this. Unfortunately this legislation was signed by President Bush Jr. that same month. What absurd way will the government try to control the lives of Americans next?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Why was Osama Bin Laden captured?

The United States government has been holding some of the most violent terrorists in the world since 2002. You can read about the sports they can play along with other goodies they get here:

Thanks to information from detains at Gitmo from four years ago the courier that was tracked was used to get Osama Bin Laden as you can see here:

If Obama’s plan to close Gitmo would have happened years ago Osama bin Laden would still be alive. You can read about Obama’s plan to close Gitmo here:

In conclusion I would like to thank former President Bush and the troops for their valor and the Guantanamo Bay detention facility should remain open to use enhanced interrogation techniques to protect the United States of America from threats to our national security.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Why I think this birth certificate is forged

I would love to see this doctor testify in court. However that won’t happen since David A. Sinclair died in 2003. I don’t see anything fishy about his death. I just wish he was interviewed. I don’t see anything odd about him dying at age 81. His death is listed here:

Also the government in Hawaii announced on April 10th, 2011 announced they are no longer releasing birth certificates but the document that was released as the date of April 25th, 2011. The statement from the government is listed here: The alleged birth certificate is seen here:

I’d also like to point out that the date was 3 days after the birth which I find odd. The alleged birth certificate is seen here: Also if you look at the forged Certification of Live Birth which I mentioned in another post does not say date accepted it says date filed but on the Certificate of Live Birth which I think is a birth certificate unless there is something I don’t know yet. The C.O.L.B. that was forged is in this article:

The Certificate of Live Birth lists Kapi'olani Medical Center as his place of birth. If that is true why did hospital spokeswoman Keala Peters refuse to certify that he was born there as listed on the Certificate of Live Birth when it was mentioned in a letter as you can see here:

That’s not the only problem the certification numbers on these documents come out in chronological order. This document as well as the 2nd forged C.O.L.B. is out of chronological order as seen here in this video with patriotic music:

There is also the issue that African was not used back then as a racial classification. Negro would be listed on the document as you can see here:

Notice how the media claims the reasons for questions are different from what constitutionalists ask. I do find it interesting the name of Signature of Local Registrar is Ukulele but that is not my main question. Look at what they claim here: For example they claim we say Hawaii is not a state. These are the reasons I doubt he was born in Hawaii and suspect he was born in Kenya.

He said I am so proud to come back home as you can see in the video in this blog post:

Remember the Congress voted 99-0 in 2008 that both parents must be U.S. citizens for someone in the nation to be a natural born citizen including the current occupant of the white house with McCain not voting due to conflict of interest:

Learn more here about Supreme Court cases that require both parents to be U.S. citizens:

He also is using a Social Security number from the state of Connecticut as you can see here:

I do think that is a conflict of interest that the Widow of Obama 'birth doctor' advises Hawaii Health Department: Wife of Obama 'birth doctor' works for state of Hawaii

I agree with this”The news media and the political establishment were quick to rush to judgment regarding Obama's eligibility in 2008, without any basis. It would be a big mistake for everyone to jump to a conclusion now based on the release of this document, which raises as many questions as it answers," Farah added. He is the CEO of WND (formally known as WorldNetDaily) and the article is listed here: Remember if he is not a natural born citizen he is not legally president and no appointment to office or law he signed is legal. Be sure to check out my post from August 2010 on this issue to refresh your memory on other details.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

U.S. military action Libya is illegal and immoral

I say the actions are immoral because the rebels the military is working with are also working with al-Qaida. The war is illegal because Obama is not legally president, there was no vote in Congress for military action in Libya and there was no imminent threat from Libya that was needed for Obama to take military action under the war powers act on the 8th anniversary of the start of the war in Iraq. This was the guy that was promoted as the peace candidate. I support a pro-America first conservative foreign policy. Here is how I define a pro-America first foreign policy. I believe actions taken by the U.S. military should serve the interests of the United States. U.S. military actions should focus on killing terrorists, blowing stuff up and other threats to the United States. The United States military should not be paying for the defense of other nations with our taxes dollars and it shouldn’t build the infrastructure of foreign nations. Foreign policy should not be enriching other nations while impoverishing ours. We should not be focusing so much on securing Iraq’s border while ignoring our own. Here is how I define a conservative foreign policy. A conservative wants to use the military to defend the nation if and only if it is needed to defend the nation. A conservative wants to be tough when fighting a war instead of using politically correct rules that tie our hands. A conservative’s main goal in war is defeating the enemy typically by killing the enemy and blowing things up. A conservative does not want to fight a war endlessly but wants victory in a just cause to protect the nation. A conservative should use the best tactics to win a war quickly within a few years in most cases if it must be fought and not last for several years. A conservative should want to follow the U.S. Constitution which requires that the Congress declare war. A war should be fought with full force of U.S. military with the best weapons available but the United States should not police the world and avoid foreign entanglements as our founders wanted. We should use common sense to defend America which requires profiling Muslims at airports but we should not violate the 4th Amendment by subjecting them to body scans that Bill Clinton would like to see and touching people inappropriately because America should remain free. This war is not likely to go well since Qaddafi has enough gold to make this last for years and the coalition seems to be having a hard time staying together. You would think it would be easier to hold the coalition together since the coalition in Iraq had about twice as many countries. I for one can’t wait until we get that warmonger Barack Obama out of office to end this illegal and immoral war for Oil! A Democrat in Congress says the war is for oil. In 2007 Obama himself said "The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation". Congress voted to table a resolution which would state exactly this "The President does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation". A vote to table the resolution was a vote to not take up the resolution for a vote which is sort of like a filibuster. Only 10 Senators out of 100 voted to uphold the U.S. Constitution. I noticed they were all Republicans and half are new Tea Party Senators. The other 90 Senators should be removed from office. Article I, Section VIII, Clause XI U.S. Constitution states under powers of Congress that Congress shall have the power “To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;” The Senators that voted for the U.S. Constitution are listed here: Collins (R-ME) DeMint (R-SC) Ensign (R-NV) Johnson (R-WI) Lee (R-UT) Moran (R-KS) Paul (R-KY) Sessions (R-AL) (R-ME) Toomey (R-PA) Support our troops by putting them in a position to defend America instead of working with rebels that are supported by Al Qaida. That is why I must oppose U.S. military actions in Libya. Here are all the articles and videos that confirm what I am saying. Al Qaida commander backs Libyan rebels in message Jihadis who killed Americans get U.S. support in Libya Defense Secretary: Libya Did Not Pose Threat to U.S., Was Not 'Vital National Interest' to Intervene A Foolish and Unconstitutional War Dem Congressman: "We're In Libya Because Of Oil" (Rep. Ed Markey (D-MA)) A socialist convinced our government to start the war Gadhafi sitting on 143 tons of gold Who's in charge? Germans pull forces out of NATO as Libyan coalition falls apart Bush had twice as many coalition partners U.S. Constitution Article I, Section VIII, Clause XI Congress votes 90-10 against the U.S. Constitution